This weekend we stayed home to take care of our grandson.
Decided to do something this weekend I always wanted to do, walk and ski from my front door out the local trail, ski a loop, then come home.
27 miles (Birkie is around 31)

Route of walking and Tomorrow River Trail.
Standing Rocks Park
The walking sucked. I wore a pair of hiking shoes and switched to ski boots. Carried a backpack with windbreaker pullover, extra glove, socks and shirt. Water and some energy food rounded out the articles.
Never skate skied with a backpack on but it went fine. Snowed a couple inches while out on the trail. Took about 5 hrs...the walking really slowed me down and having to switch boots 6 times back and forth.
Goal is to get some ideas and prepare for some longer stuff next winter.

In no particular order some shots from the past couple weeks.
Broken ski from skijoring. Not sure when it happened, I just happened to feel the rough sides when I went to wax it and found it broke. When skijoring, I felt that this ski was dragging some but figured it was a embedded stone in the base, but it had lost it's flex and was "digging" at times if I put too much pressure on it.
With the winter over, I justified buying a new pair because I skipped the Birkie this year.
Cost of Birkie weekend: entry fee: $80-100, $120 for gas, $150 for motel (2 nights), etc??
Cost of new skis and bindings: $240 (1/2 price spring sale)
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