Along the way down to the race I stopped in at CamRock Cafe & Sport to see the digs, take a short break and have drink as it was in the 80's and sunny. Very nice setup.
The WORS series runs shorter races than WEMS (Wisconsin Endurance Series).
Turnout for the day for the WORS series is around 600 racers with 11 races throughout the season it claims to be the largest participant race series in the whole USA, compared to maybe 60-70 racers average daily for the 10 race WEMS series.
WORS used to have a reputation that WORS actually stood for "With-Out Real Singletrack" but that has really changed a lot. In it's defense, there needs to be more open double track to allow for passing with so many racers in a shorter race, but as they say, if you don't want to be bottled in, hit the hole shot hard.
The first WORS race I did this spring I took a 2nd place finish in my age group at CamRock and raced in the much more congested SPORT class. This was my first WORS race after about a 6-7 year hiatus as I pretty much stuck to WEMS racing.
At WORS Lowes Creek, I moved up to the COMP class due to the later start fitting my schedule better, my 2nd place finish the race before, the longer distance and less and in general much better racers that would be out there during this race versus the SPORT class.
I wouldn't be waiting for too many racers as the COMP, Elite and PROs are all out at the same time. Quite the contrary, as the PROs and Elites start off first and get a head start (they do one more lap than the COMP riders) I get caught on my last lap by the PRO leaders and maybe even some Elites, so I'm the one that needs to get out of the way for them as they lap me.
At Lowes Creek I was on the only racer in the Masters (55 and older) class but my time was respectable and I didn't feel I held anyone back during the race.
So that said, at Lake Geneva, I decided to stick to the COMP division and see how that would work out. I'm a bit concerned, if I do more WORS races, if I should stay in the COMP class due to being on the course with riders that are much faster than me. Based on the amount of racers in my age division, it makes me think if I should be out there but I guess as long as they have this age division, I get out of the way of the faster racers and my times are somewhat respectable compared to folks close to my age, I guess I'll continue on. I ended up 52 out of 58 racers in COMP (not counting the OPEN WOMEN division) and I prefer the longer distance.
Masters 55 and over
Field Size: 3
Age Group Overall Bib # Name City, State Age Time Time Back Team1 52 1238 Mark Scotch Plover WI 58 1:52:10.3 0:00.0
2 54 1231 Donald Carr Wauwatosa WI 58 1:52:47.8 0:37.5 IS Corp
NR 1002 Andrew Mishlove Milwaukee WI 58 Hampshire Cycle Cleb
SPORT Class start action, 2 hrs. before the COMP Class start.
Spectators getting positioned along the uphill start. Coarse is on the grounds of a small downhill ski resort.
Young girl just out for a ride before the SPORT race start. They have races for all ages.
SPORT Class lined up.
First downhill.
SPORT Start.
Definitely stay in comp if you are having fun- glad to see you out there.
good advice....thanks
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