Day 4 involved an early rise again, 6AM, to have breakfast and check in at 7AM for our 7:30 morning cruise to neighboring island Lanai. It has a Marine Preserve in a bay that has a coral reef which means a lot of fish. This reef is known for clarity and big fish.
Snorkeling and Spinner Dolphin watch. We were not disappointed with either.
Needlefish Lynn scoping things out. Type of Tang. Parrotfish. Tang. Parrotfish and Tang. Tangs.
Spinner Dolphins. We had a pod of about 50 or so on both sides of the boat. More Tangs at the 2nd snorkeling spot over what is called a pinnacle. Basically a large shelf that comes to the surface with deep drops offs on all sides. After returning to shore we tried to buy some Ono/Wahoo but was not successful. The sportfisherman that caught these took one fish for himself and these 2 were sold to local restaurants. They had to be kept whole, not cut into, otherwise the restaurants would not by them. We were told by some that Ono is preferred over Mahi-Mahi by the locals. We did see a Mah-Mahi/Dolphin fish that had been caught, as well. We then went to our beach by the condo and watched the Sea Turtle eating again. For dinner we attended a Luau. The Feast at Lele, which was reported to be the best. We did enjoy it. Taxi ride home as all drinks were included in the price....I think we got our money's worth!!
Some reviews of the Feast at Lele.
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