I goggled the Park to embed a link....and what did I see!! Someone stole my picture! OK, their colors are more brilliant....damn photoshop!
Started on the Mt. Marquette Loop/Blue Trail.
Nice roller coaster style trail with only one tough section up at the top. About 30-40 yards. Thought I might bottom out my chain ring on a few of
Peeled off the Blue Trail and hit the Carp River Loop/Yellow Trail.
Went to town and had lunch at the Vierling Brew Pub. Real nice bar, decent view, good food priced right and it seems a good beer selection. I had a Pale Ale. Downside? No internet service. And he's pissed about it.
Double track uphill for a long grind. After getting up on top came across a north-shore style skills park. Crazy stuff.
Dropped down what appeared to be an unsanctioned free ride trail, with plenty of bail-outs, just to see what they had going. It was pretty nuts. Got down to the bottom and had to work my way back up using a different route.
Got to the top again and came across a couple sanctioned/signed Free-Ride trails, Flow and Your Mom.
Got on the Pioneer Loop and took off....it was sweet!
A little ways down the trail I ran into a couple guys coming from the other way. We talked for a bit and I asked them if they ever rode Your Mom. The one guy said to look over to the right to a drop of about 10 feet off a sheer rock wall. He said he crashed off of it, got busted up pretty good. Has never tried it again.
Rode almost 3 hrs. and put on 20 miles. The maps show 14 miles between the 3 trails, so I threw in a few more doubling around.
Could have taken one of the DH trails from the top of Carp River Loop, at Marquette Mtn. but wasn't sure where it would dump me and didn't want to pull the long double track back up.
Other than that, I was satisfied with the ride.
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